Register a new App Id on iOS

Written by Cristian on
Register a new App Id on iOS

Registering a new App Id is one of the first things you need to do when starting a new iOS project.

Here is how to do it properly.

Go to your Apple Dev account

Select Certificates, IDs & Profiles.


Select that plus button.


Select App, then select Continue.


Choose a meaningful description and a Bundle ID, this Id is a unique globals, so make sure to choose a good one.

Once registered, this Bundle Id will be your property no one can register a new one with the same value until you delete yours.

If you want to have the AppGroup Capability make sure to thick that box.


The last step is to select “Register”.


Here is your newly created App ID.

You can find it here and select it if you want to make some changes, like adding or removing capabilities.


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